windy hill preserve
A steep climb… Welcome to Midpen. Windy Hill Preserve just got obLITTERated. Moose and I trekked over 3 miles of some steep terrain and tussled with some thorny branches for some hard-to-reach litter… even 2 VERY old cans of unopened Modelo beer buried in some prickly bushes. A diaper, rotting tarp, beverage containers, cigarette butts (dude, you’re lucky this is wet season - don’t be STUPID) and plenty of other discarded articles. 8.58 pounds of litter. Lots of friendly hikers along the way, wishing one and all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let’s go obLITTERate! #windyhillpreserve #midpeninsulaopenspace #lesslitter #lovenature